
April 4, 2016

Spring and Wood Constitution

5 Element Acupuncture – Wood Constitutions (CFs) Continuing our series on the 5 constitutions, the wood element is next.  Spring is a time of excitement!  The sun warms up, plants come back to life, animals come out of hibernation, and baseball starts again!   Summary of Wood CF attributes: Goal Oriented Irritable with quick tempers Wanting to be in control/in charge Constantly improving and growing Love to argue for the sake of arguing Organized Needing to be correct and will correct others (I bet a lot of Wood CFs will pick out the typos in this newsletter for example) Strong sense of justice The energy of the Wood element is up and out, much like a plant that is first growing up and then spreading out.  Wood energy is forceful.  Think about the amount of energy it takes for a chick to break out of an egg, or a plant […]
February 23, 2016

Non-Needle Acupuncture

In reality, Acupuncture means to puncture the skin, so the proper term here should be “Meridian Therapy.”  Still Acupuncture has become a common term to mean treating through Asian Medicine.  Below I’ve tried my best to explain why non-needle will work. One western theory of Acupuncture is that the points are on the fascial tissue system which conducts electricity.  From The Body Electric by Dr. Robert Becker in 1985: “Any current grows weaker with distance, due to resistance along the transmission cable.  The smaller the amperage and voltage, the faster the current dies out.  Electrical engineers solve his problem by building booster amplifiers every so often along a power line to get the signal back up to strength. For currents measures in nanoamperes and microvolts, the amplifiers would have to be no more than a few inches apart – just like acupuncture points!” (p 234)” The theory continues.  “If the […]
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