Case Study:
Non-Needle Acupuncture


14 year old male lacrosse player, Mr. K had club feet when he was born and had major surgery early in his life. As he got older, periods of standing, jogging, and running would cause severe ankle and calf pain. The family had sought treatment through classic medical avenues to no avail.


Upon examination, the scars from his surgeries went approximately 270 degrees around his ankles, cutting through 5 of the 6 leg acupuncture meridians. Surgeries like this can cut off the energy to the feet.


Treatment for this case involved non-needle acupuncture in the form of electrical microcurrent. Points included connecting the meridians that had been cut by the surgeries. As well, SCENAR therapy was used to bring attention of the body back to the feet.

Response to Care:

Mr. K was in the middle of lacrosse season at the time and felt better with each treatment. He came in every week for 8 weeks before feeling good enough to wait 2 months for his next appointment. To date, he now comes in twice a year for tune-ups and is still a high-level athlete.

Case Study:


61 year old female, Mrs. W. had donated one of her kidneys to a family member and from then on developed insomnia. Sleep was very restless and was combined with some back pain and urinary urgency.


Mrs. W presented as fairly healthy. She had energy issues relating to sleep when it was bad. Pulses were varied, showing energetic weakness on the kidneys, liver, and pancreas.


Over the course of 7 treatments spanning 3 months, only needling was done. Treatment plans started with some overall block clearing treatments and switched to treatments concerning the building of the kidney energy.

Response to Care:

Mrs. W was able to get on a normal sleep schedule and was “sleeping amazingly well” in that short amount of time. To this point she now comes in for tuneups when she feels like she needs them. This is approximately every 3-5 months.