January 25, 2016
5 Element Acupuncture – Water Constitutions (CFs) We’re going to start our series on the 5 constitutions with the Water element because that is where the 5 element cycle starts. Winter is a time of renewal. Yes, there is some excitement at New Years that 20-whatever will be a better year, but the odds are that most people lose that excitement quickly; or at least until the Spring arrives with warmth and the Wood element. Summary of Water CF attributes: Intense Fearful or lacking of fear Driven with “high motors” Constantly moving Tough to reassure GREAT under pressure Typically having extra resources What I mean by Winter is a time for renewal is that the power and intensity of Winter wipes the slate clean. The playing field is mostly leveled when we get 20-inch snow storms (and it was especially level before snowmobiles, plows, and other winter toys). That POWER; […]